HTML implementation

This javascript example shows how to implement jibia’s search bar. The search bar should have ‘searchbar’ as its id like this:

<input type="name" id = "formSearch" class = "zoekbalk" name="Search" placeholder="Zoekbalk van Jibia"></input>

Adding the following script tag to your html will make autocomplete results appear under this search bar.

<script src="" token="cd2957a67f78a76a50c94666e21891"/>
Your authentication token.

Styling autocomplete results

To use our default styling of autocomplete results, you can add the following tag to the bottom of your html file:

<link rel ='stylesheet' href = ''/>

You can style the autocomplete results as well. The list of autocomplete results has the class name “search_auto”. The products inside this list have “search_element product_element” as their class name.

Manually handling autocomplete

If you wish to have more control over how the products are being handles, you can write the logic for this yourself. The autocomplete can be called with the following request:

curl -X GET \
The query for the autocomplete
Your authentication token
The amount of autocomplete results

This request will return the products matching the query. The json with products is formatted like this:

        "result": {
                "products": [
                                "product": {
                                        "img_url": "",
                                        "name": "Test Product 1",
                                        "url": ""
                "words": [
The product thumbnail url
The name/title of the product
The url suffix for the product
A set of keywords that fit the query